_i_m_g_c_o_p_y allows image files with formats supported by the ImageVision
Library to be copied and converted to other supported formats. The
following command line options are allowed:
Specifies the file format to convert to. By default the output
image file format is based on the file name extension. If the
extension is not of a known type, then the default file format will
be used (usually TIFF). The supported file formats depend on what
ImageVision file formats have been installed; if an unknown format
is given the valid options will be listed.
Specifies the data type to convert to. By default the output image
file will use the input image's data type, if possible. The data
type may be one of: bbbbiiiitttt, cccchhhhaaaarrrr, uuuucccchhhhaaaarrrr, sssshhhhoooorrrrtttt, uuuusssshhhhoooorrrrtttt, lllloooonnnngggg, uuuulllloooonnnngggg,
ffffllllooooaaaatttt and ddddoooouuuubbbblllleeee.
Specifies the ordering of dimensions of the created image. May be
one of: iiiinnnntttteeeerrrrlllleeeeaaaavvvveeeedddd (bands, samples, lines), sssseeeeqqqquuuueeeennnnttttiiiiaaaallll (samples,
bands, lines) or sssseeeeppppaaaarrrraaaatttteeee (samples, lines, bands). By default the
output image file will have the same ordering as the input if the
selected image file format supports it.
Specifies the page size of the created image. A default page size
will be computed if none is given.
Specifies the origin of a subregion to be copied from the input
image. By default the entire image will be copied.
Specifies the size of a subregion to be copied from the input image.
By default the entire image will be copied.
Specifies the orientation to convert to. By default the output
image file will use the input image's orientation, if possible. The
orientation may be one of: ttttllll, bbbbllll, ttttrrrr, bbbbrrrr, lllltttt, llllbbbb, rrrrtttt and rrrrbbbb. Where
llll is left, rrrr is right, tttt is top and bbbb is bottom.
Specifies the color model to convert to. By default the output
image file will use the input image's color model, if possible. The
color model may be one of: rrrrggggbbbb, aaaabbbbggggrrrr, ggggrrrreeeeyyyy, nnnneeeeggggaaaattttiiiivvvveeee, ppppaaaalllleeeetttttttteeee, hhhhssssvvvv,
ccccmmmmyyyy and ccccmmmmyyyykkkk.
Specifies the type of compression to use in the output image file.
The compression may be one of: nnnnoooonnnneeee, ffffaaaaxxxx3333, ffffaaaaxxxx4444, llllzzzzwwww, mmmmaaaaccccrrrrlllleeee,
ssssggggiiiirrrrlllleeee, jjjjppppeeeegggg or zzzziiiipppp
Specifies the quality of compression to use in the output image
file. The value ranges from 0 (worst) to 100 (best). The default is
75. Currently this is only meaninful when saving to a JFIF (.jpg)
Specifies the minimum value to tag the output image with. No scaling
is implied; this option is mainly used to override input images with
invalid minimum values. By default the output image file will use
the input image's minimum value. This option overrides the -h
Specifies the maximum value to tag the output image with. No scaling
is implied; this option is mainly used to override input images with
invalid maximum values. By default the output image file will use
the input image's maximum value. This option overrides the -h
----hhhh Specifies that the input image is to be histogrammed in order to
determine the minimum and maximum values to tag the output image
with. No scaling is implied; this option is mainly used to override
input images with invalid minimum and maximum values. By default
the output image file will use the input image's minimum and maximum
values. This option overrides the -m and -M options.
----DDDD Specifies that ordererd dithering should be used instead of Floyd-
Steinberg dithering when converting to images with a palette type
color model.
When doing Floyd-Steinberg dithering, the target number of entries
in the color map to be computes (using Heckbert's median-cut
----aaaa Specifies that the input image is to be appended as a sub-image to
the output image. Only certain formats (like TIFF and GIF) support